Golden Piglet
New Beginnings…
Author: Dad
We’re Here!
Author: MommyWow, it’s been months since we posted. No wonder you keep asking us for more pictures. Sorry, been so busy trying to keep up with the piglet growing up and still feeling like we have missed so much. To make up for this we have Launched www.Zariyan.TV
Yes, if you sign up, we will give you private access to Video clips of Z!
He is walking and talking up a storm. He just turned 11 months, yeah you heard me right, 11 Months young! One more month and it will be his 1st Birthday.
We certainly wish it all wouldn’t go by so quickly. It’s been so difficult to transition having a nanny around 6 days a week. We feel like we have missed so much as every time we turn around he has learned something new. We miss yesterday!
He is almost 23 pounds, has 7 teeth with another 5 pushing hard to show themselves. He still does an awesome Downward Facing Dog combined with the Crab Walk. Getting fustrated that we don’t understand him all the time.
I have to tell you, he teases people! I toys with all of us and has a good laugh as he plays.
He still loves to EAT! Especially what we are eating. I am proud to say that he loves curry and spicy foods, sashimi, fruits fresh and dried, veggies, breads, cookies, veggies, fingers, toes,. . . .He IS a Piggy! And let me add that these are not pureed. Oh the big thing lately is Mandarin and Navel oranges, peel and all!
Okay, enough of my bragging. . . can’t help it. Thank you for bearing with me, but I never thought I could love a being this much.
What till you see our next website starring “Z”.
You have to register so that we can give you authorization to enter.
Until next time. . .hopefully very soon!
I’m Almost 1!
Author: MommyOink, Oink, Everyone!
I’m doing this thing they call “walking”. It’s a lotta fun but I end up on my bum now and then.
Mummy says you can check ME out on MY TV site! I love watching myself on that. I make myself laugh . . .a lot!
I love to climb, especially on this wall that Daddy and I built. It has these rocks he and I put on it, and it’s 8 feet high. We put my favorit magnets up on the top rocks and I have to climb up to get them. . . yippy, what fun!
I kinda move to fast sometimes and my feet slip off the rocks, but I haaaang on real tight with my hands, they are getting really big and strong! heheheee.
I hope to see you all on my first Birthday coming soon!
Buup ba.
Piglet is Growing So Fast!
Author: MommyHello all!
Thank you so much for your patience as we attempt to keep up with these updates.
Piglet is now exactly 7 months and 7 days old. He is 27.5 inches tall, and 18.5 pounds. Yup. . . time flies. (can you see my booboo face?)
He began crawling on his belly a week before his 6 month birthday, his first tooth came out the day after he turned 6 months as well as his first poopy on the toilet.  It just seemed like 6 months was a major turning point.
We celebrated by getting him his first Transformer, Softomus Prime and Bumble Bee. They are awesome stuffed toys that actually transform.
We have been going to Mommy and Baby Yoga. This has been awesome as Piglet just loves to crawl to everyone else’s matt to check out the other kids and their toys. What a social piggy he is becoming.
On his 7th month birthday, to our surprise his 2nd tooth broke through, he began pulling himself up and attempting to climb up onto the bed, so we had to start shopping for a new bed for him. We celebrated by getting him a fun play outfit. (Pictures will be posted later)
In the past few days, he has been crawling up high on all fours, and doing a great “Downward Facing Dog” (for those of you who are yoginis), so we do believe that it won’t be long until he is walking. Today we went on a wonderful picnic with the babies that were birthed from our Hypnobirthing Class. They were all so beautiful. The Moms all look fabulous as the Dads looked so proud. We ended the day with our 3.2 mile power walk as Daddy surf it on his “Wave” board, Brisa proudly protecting Z.  Went for dinner and Z got his very first Gelato Cone from the owner of the Gelato shop. Now he’s into Ice creams and Sorbets.. . .yikes.. . like his Mummy.
Here are a few photos just taken by one of our team on Friday. He’s a wonderful photographer and he picked out the ones that really shows you the different expressions of Zariyan.
I can’t tell you how awesome each day is. I thought life was pretty darn good before, but now it’s just awesome as we learn so much from Baby Z. Everyday is a new lesson and mind blowing experience.
Much love and blessings to you all.
One Small Step For… One Giant Fall For Z!
Author: DadWhat an exciting week. It seems like as soon as Zariyan turned 6 months, everything started to change.
He had a monumental week last week. He’s now really starting to crawl, he can make it across the room in under 30 seconds, which can also be a problem as yesterday we turned our backs for no more than 30 seconds while he was sitting on the bed, and sure enough crawled right over the edge and landed on his head. Ouch!
We took him on a hike in his new back-pack carrier to the top of Topanga Heights to see the view over LA, yikes, it’s something else to be packing 22 extra pounds up that mountain. 🙂
He’s been eating a lot of new solid foods, from guacamole to beans, chicken liver pate, and of course all the usual baby food. This lead to the inevitable “First Solid Poop”… ouch!
Oh, and he’s going potty on the toilet now, not every time of course, but after he get’s some of Mommy’s Milk, she usually sits him on the can for a few minutes and he instinctively knows what to do.
He just weighed in at 18.2 lbs yesterday and still 26 inches, but his thighs are getting huge!
We figure in another few weeks he’ll be able to start working part time for us as our paper shredding assistant as he always looking to chew on any paper he can get his hands on. LOL
I’ve managed to find a few spare minutes to find three great photos that show some of his great facial expressions. Enjoy!
Quick Update
Author: MommyHello dear family and friends.
Finally we are posting after a long break.
Zariyan is changing so fast that no two weeks are the same in his scheduling, so hence it affects our schedules.
He is 5 1/2 months young now. Last weighed he was 16lb 6oz and 26 inches tall.
He is such a little “minkey”, of course a little piggy too. He started rolling over about 6 weeks ago, he is sitting up straighter and straighter every day. He is very strong! Not much baby fat on him at all. Drooling everywhere. Those teeth are making great attempts to break through in the past month. We can feel all the bumps on his gums. Not much longer before they come through.
He loves his milk still. He started eating Baby pureed veggies 5 weeks ago, but loves his fruits in whole pieces. I just have to cautious when he gnaws off a large piece.
He has out grown his Stroller Bed so we had altered it to a seat. Now he can sit up and watch his big sister Brisa walking beside him. He loves when we go for a walk as there is so much to see. We took him through the farmer’s market for the first time in a stroller. He is so used to being slung on my hip that he would only last an hour and a half in his seat.
We left him for the first time with one of his best friends whom works on our team. He did pretty good, but there are a few adjustments we have to make before leaving him again.
This heat wave here has been a bit challenging because we need to be up early to walk or later in the evening. Not just heat, but humidity too. Baby Z already runs hot so he is covered in perspiration all day.
We are told that he is a very good boy overall. I don’t comment as I am bias to the situation. Too me he is such a joy to have around. Of course it is challenging running a business at the same time, but we make due as I would not miss this time in his life for anything. It is going by so fast and we are trying to cherish every moment with him.
Love to you all, and will make sure I post more often now that we have had this site upgraded it’s easier for me to post.
Growing, Doubling and Upscaling
Author: DadSo I’m starting to get phone calls from frustrated friends and family who live far away and don’t get to see Zariyan very often.
They keep shouting for “More Photos”. So I’m making a public announcement that by next weekend, I will find the time to go through the thousands of photos we have taken of Little Baby Z and post some of the better ones for you all to see.
Author: googlemanOK! It must be the summer weather, for we FINALLY figured out who the winner is…and BOY (and do I mean BOY!) was it close! One of the things that the father enjoys are statistics, so let me break it down (for him)…
# of entries: 16 (total prize pool of $160)
gender: 4 entries selected BOY
weight: 6lbs. 10oz. (Grandma Souza guessed the exact weight!)
height: 52cm (Uncle Scotty guessed the closest height of 49cm)
eyes: Majority chose the color BROWN (but on some days, Zariyan’s
eyes are Olive Green)
D.O.B: 3 entries selected the EXACT date of March 21, 2007
time: 6:52am (Madoka was the closest entry with 6:43am!)
looks: This question is still up in the air so it was void
hair: Majority chose YES (that there would be hair)
When the final tabulations were counted, Madoka was the outright winner with 5 winning entries!
Congratulations to Madoka and for everyone who participated and I look forward to the next baby pool!
Thank You to Everyone!
Author: MommyHello our dear family and friends,
You must have thought that we went missing in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. . . almost!
Greetings from the Z Clan! By now most of you know that his name is Zariyan and NOT Zoro. .. .that was just an April Fools Joke, but we realized that individuals didn’t read the whole post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your wonderful gifts of good wishes, blessings, and Baby supplies. We promise to acknowledge your generosity one by one as we make time in between all that is happening. I have also begun returning calls at the same time so thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
Also, our apologies for not posting for so long, especially from me. It’s been quite the experience balancing Zariyan, the Company, and Life in general.
I gotta tell you. . . Life is GREAT with Baby Z. He has been such a wonderful blessing to us all. So patient while we work. Sleeps very well. Eats extremely well, but what did we expect, he IS a PIGLET!
He is now 8 1/2 weeks old, over 10 pounds and getting taller by the day. Last week he just started to learn how to smile and laugh at least once a day. Trying desperately to talk, but it still comes out as a soft cry. Oh, he is also very, very stubborn (hmmm, wonder who he takes after?). Knows what he wants and will forge forward to get it too.
Is he spoiled yet? Of course. . . what do you expect. So many people around him, playing with him, giving him so much attention. Everyone from friends, our team, our vendors at the market. We are so blessed.
We are finally posting new photos!!! We are also posting answers to some of your comments, so check it all out.
Love to you all. We miss you and hope to see you or meet up with you very soon!